Before we left town, Parker had a cardiology appointment along with an echo. This was his first echo since last summer, so I was a little anxious to see how his heart was doing.
Well, the echo lasted 2 hours and Parker was amazing the entire time!
While the echo tech went out to talk to the doctors to make sure he had gotten enough pictures we watched Toy Story 3!
Parker's echo doesnt show much change. His heart function is still pretty good and his tricuspid valve is still pretty leaky. At our last appointment we had discussed doing his heart cath and Fontan surgery in spring. Well, Dr S did not like his weight gain (he barely weighs 27 lbs and that is right on the line for the Fontan). We are going to keep the heart cath scheduled for this Friday and then Dr S and the surgeon will discuss when the best time for surgery will be. If there is no benefit in waiting we will go ahead and have the surgery in March but if there is any benefit at all, we will wait. I'm ok with waiting but I am a planner and this appointment did not go the way I had planned.
So, we are back on the pediasure to hopefully get some weight on this kid =) We will also be feeding him anything and everything!!
Please pray for his heart cath this Friday. This will be his first procedure of any kind since he was like 6 months old! And pray for this momma =)
Parker and YOU will be in our prayers. Caths are never fun.. from having them be hungry to laying still for hours afterwards. Praying for great news!
Have they discussed fixing his valve while doing the FOntan at all?
I wish I had some weight gain advice. Owen is 30lbs (Gtube) and I'm trying to get him up to about 33 before his Fontan late summer (if possible). Good Luck!!
Parker is ADORABLE!
It looks like he's having his heart cath today?? We'll sure be praying for great news. {Sorry, it's my first visit so I'm a little behind.}
I wish I had some weight gain advice too, but none here! Our son, Derrick, is 22 months old and STILL doesn't weigh 20 lbs.
Good luck and lots of prayers!
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