Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend....a lot of pictures!!

We had a great Easer weekend! It all started on Friday night at our church's Easter egg hunt. They did something a little different this year. We all met at the football field and they dropped 7,000 candy filled eggs out of a helicopter!

The kids loved it!

Parker's friend Noah was there. This was the best picture I could get of them!.

Parker was very interested in the helicopter!!

Noah's mom, Mandy.

The next morning we went to an egg hunt at my friend, Lauren's, church.

Before the hunt there were lots of game.

Yes, me and Parker did the sack races!!

THis is the best picture of Parker and Spencer I could get!!

Sydney came too!!

That afternoon we dyed Easter eggs at my parents house.

Parker just wanted to color on the eggs with the wax crayon the whole time.

That night, I went to a gender reveal party for my friend Lauren. Everyone wore the color shirt that they thought the baby was. I picked pink.

Lauren's sister was the only one that knew and she made this huge cake!! The cake was the color of the gender. We all watched while Lauren and John cut into the cake to find out what they are having!!

It's a boy!!!

The next morning was Easter. Parker had fun getting the eggs the Easter bunny hid for him.

Our family

We had lunch at my granmothers and Parker just wanted to hunt eggs!!

Last night, Dennis family came over to our house and we had a cookout.

We had a fun but BUSY weekend!! I cant wait for Parker to understand the true meaning of Easter!

Im sorry this post is so incredibly long!!


Shannon said...

Parker is adorable!!

I came across your blog and had to check it out. My son, Derrick, also has a single ventricle. He's not technically HLHS because he also has dextrocardia and really, just a crazy little heart! Anyway, I love to see little heart kids doing so well!

Looking forward to "getting to know" your family!

Big heart hugs and prayers,

PS...The helicopter dropping eggs is AWESOME!!