Sunday, March 27, 2011

A step in the right direction

This morning parker was not feeling good!

He got his chest tube and it made a world of difference! It drained 300 cc when they put it in! That is a lot for such a little guy.
He did so great and was back to his old self before knew it. Immediately he was taking deeper breaths and breathing slower.

This is him waking him...he was acting drunk and funny! And all he wanted was water .

After his procedure the nurse changed his central line dressing and he wanted to wear a hat like her....

Also, the fluid that drained from the tube was clear and was not a chylothorax!! So, it should be able to be cleared up with diuretics and we won't have to change his diet to no fat.
The chest x-ray this afternoon showed quite a bit of fluid on the left side (chest tube is in right side), so we will hopefully get all that fluid with the diuretics and not have to put a tube in the left side.
He is completely off oxygen!! As soon as the fluid was drained his pulse ox came right up! They did have to reverse his coumadin, so that will be our next step...get that back to a therapeutic range.
There are a few more issues but overall Parker is doing so much better. We definitely had a little scare last night, but God is so good! We will for sure keep an eye on the left lung tonight and tomorrow. We also will be walking Parker around the hospital ALOT over the next few days to get that fluid moving.

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