Monday, September 20, 2010

The weekend

I think I have watched more football this year than I have in my whole life combined!! So. Fun!
Friday night we went to Justin's football game for the first half. Justin isnt playing right now because he broke his collar bone in the first game of the season. He will be out for about 4 more weeks, but we still love to support the Eagles!!
Saturday morning we watched the Razorback game with Diane, BJ and Mallory and then Saturday night we went to watch the OBU game (mostly went to watch Kelsey cheer!).

Me, Kelsey and mom
The rest of the weekend was spent playing outide as much as we could. It is still so hot!! Why is it 100 degrees in the middle of September!?? ugggh! I am so afraid we are going to miss our wonderful fall weather and it is just going to go straight to winter weather.

Parker doesnt mind. He just rests when he needs to and tells me when he is too hot and needs to go inside. He is all boy and loves to play hard. I wish the picture below had turned out better. his sweat had turned into mud because he was so dirty!!
I just love this sweet boy and cant believe he is almost 3!!