Last week Dennis and I were picking up Parker from PT. As we were walking through Easter Seals (that is where he has therapy) we were looking at all of the other children and saying how lucky we are. We saw a little boy that was probably 4 years old and had to use a walker to walk. We also saw a little girl about Parker's age who had these thick plastic braces that went around he feet, ankles and lower leg. I said to Dennis that I hope Parker never has to have those. Well, we walked into the room to pick Parker up and his therapist wanted to talk to us. She said that she really thinks Parker needs to get AFO's (ankle-foot orthotics), the same thing we had just seen on that little girl. She said that she put some on Parker during therapy and he could move easier. It puts his ankles and legs in a position that is easier to walk. His legs are so stiff withouth them. She said she really wants to get aggressive in getting him to walk. He is almost 14 months old and cant walk behind a moving toy or cruise along a couch. I am glad she is being aggressive. He just wants to walk...I can tell. We are very lucky that our insurance will pay for them because they can cost up to $2,000!! He is getting his feet molding/casted tomorrow and we should get them in a couple of weeks.
Here is a picture of an AFO. Parker's will look something like this. We will get to pick the colors! How exciting!!
I love Parker so much and I know that his delayed development is just a small hurdle. All of this will be a distant memory when Parker is running up to his daddy when he gets home from work or playing in our back yard chasing Bentley (our dog). He is so strong and works so hard! Somedays it just makes me sad that he has to work so hard. I know he is lucky....he isnt in the hospital and he actually gets the chance to learn to walk! God is so good and I know that He wont give Parker anything he cant handle. Please pray that Parker embraces the AFOs and that they help his sweet little legs learn to walk!
I think Parker is doing fabulous! Hopefully the leg braces will give him that little bit of help he needs to get on his feet - pun intended.
Owen won't put ANY weight on his legs, pull up or even crawl yet.. and he's 11 months. He's just about sitting or chillin' on his back.
Parker isn't the only one out there :). I think they just got a crappy head start due to their surgeries ... they'll figure it out!!
You're a good momma to get him up and movin!
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