Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas tree farm and parties

We had a very busy weekend! On Saturday we went to Sydney's first birthday party. Sydney's mom and I were pregnant at the same time, Parker and Sydney are 2 1/2 weeks apart and are best buddies.

Here are Parker and Sydney playing in the bubbles from the bubble machine.

Parker was exhausted after the party! This is him on the way home.

On Sunday afternoon we went to the Christmas tree farm and cut down our Christmas tree. I have always done this with my family and I am so excited to start this tradition with Parker. THis was his first year to go because last year he was in the hospital.

You get to ride a wagon out to the trees. It is part of the whole experience!

Parker helped daddy cut down the tree.

Check out Parker's huge mittens!
On Sunday night Dennis and I went to our company Christmas party. My sister, Amy, kept Parker. It was fun to dress up, we never get to do that!


The Simmons Family said...

CUTE PICTURES! I love that Parker already has a girlfriend... Owen is still on the lookout for one :).

Our boys have the same carseat!
